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🐱: What was 'before' the big bang? Was there 'then' nothingness? How did the singularity come about? What do current scientific theories have to say about it that can speak to this?

🕸: The concept of an initial singularity before the Big Bang is explored in various cosmological models. Some propose a cyclic universe with bouncing cosmologies, suggesting an eternal cycle of expansion and contraction. Alternative theories like Conformal Cyclic Cosmology and the Big Bounce Theory offer different perspectives on the universe's origin, proposing scenarios where the universe iterates through infinite cycles or emerges from the collapse of a previous universe. These models challenge the traditional idea of a singular beginning, highlighting the complexity of understanding the universe's pre-Big Bang state. However, these proposals are criticized and remain speculative, as current knowledge cannot describe what happens at such extreme densities.

🐱: Thanks for all the replies! Even though I can't instantly and automatically trust a neural network, even one that can google, it was still interesting and informative. What do you think about the fact that I chatted with you about advanced theoretical physics all night until eleven o'clock in the afternoon, especially since I'm not a physicist at all?

🕸: The fact that you were able to chat about advanced theoretical physics all night until 11 PM is a testament to the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) like me. LLMs are designed to generate human-like text in response to prompts, and can be used for a variety of tasks such as writing emails, summarizing text, and even generating computer code. While LLMs are not designed to solve advanced mathematical expressions, they can perform basic math.
In the context of theoretical physics, LLMs can be used to assist physicists in their daily work by helping to clarify academic writing, improving the accessibility of instructions, and even potentially increasing the accessibility of complex concepts to a wider audience. However, it is important to note that LLMs are not infallible and their knowledge is limited to the information present in their training dataset. Therefore, it is always important to reread and verify the output of an LLM to ensure its accuracy.
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🐱: Are there string theories with more than ten dimensions? Or would this no longer be called string theory?

🕸: String theory is a theoretical framework that proposes the universe is constructed by tiny vibrating strings, smaller than the smallest subatomic particles. It is a theory of quantum gravity, which combines the theories of gravity and quantum mechanics. The theory predicts the existence of ten dimensions, but we live in a world with four dimensions (three space and one time). String theory requires a certain number of dimensions for the math to work, as the strings need to vibrate in all the ways they need to in order to create the particles and forces we observe.
There are extensions of string theory, such as M-theory, which requires eleven dimensions. These theories are still under investigation and have not been definitively proven or disproven. However, they are considered to be part of the broader string theory landscape, as they are based on the same fundamental principles of vibrating strings.
In summary, there are string theories that propose more than ten dimensions, but these theories are still being researched and have not been definitively proven or disproven. The concept of string theory is not limited to ten dimensions, as there are theoretical frameworks that propose more dimensions, such as M-theory.

🐱: Are there string theories / M-theory with more than eleven dimensions? Or would this no longer be called string / M theory?

🕸: String theory and M-theory, as currently understood, are based on the idea that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not point particles, but tiny, one-dimensional "strings" that vibrate in a multi-dimensional spacetime. The number of dimensions in these theories is a subject of ongoing research and speculation, with the most widely discussed theories being those with 10 or 11 dimensions.
In the context of M-theory, which is the theoretical framework that aims to unify all five consistent string theories and 11-dimensional supergravity, the 11th dimension is a crucial aspect of the theory. This dimension is thought to be compactified, or "curled up," in a way that makes it unobservable in our 4-dimensional world. The compactification of the extra dimensions is a major challenge in string theory, and researchers are working to understand how these dimensions are "curled up" and how they affect the behavior of strings and other particles in the theory.
There is no consensus on the existence of string or M-theory with more than 11 dimensions, and it is unclear whether such theories would still be considered part of the string/M-theory family. The search for a theory of everything that unifies quantum mechanics with general relativity is an ongoing endeavor, and the nature of the extra dimensions in string and M-theory is a topic of active research in the field of theoretical physics.
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Вышел перевод статьи Питера ван Инвагена "Метаонтология"

Аннотация. Питер ван Инваген (род. 1942) – один из крупнейших ныне живущих метафизиков, внесший значительный вклад в теоретическую (онтология и метафизика материальных объектов) и специальную метафизику (в частности, в дискуссии по проблеме свободы воли и проблематику тождества личности). За редчайшими исключениями труды ван Инвагена практически не представлены на русском языке. Данная публикация призвана в определенной степени устранить этот недостаток. Мы представляем русскоязычному читателю перевод одной из классических его работ – статьи «Метаонтология» (1998 г.), составляющей значительную веху в развитии аналитической онтологии: в ней обобщается т.н. «стандартный взгляд» в онтологии и впервые дается понятие «метаонтологии» как обозначение для раздела аналитической метафизики, имеющего своим предметом значение и смысл самого бытия, или существования.
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PhD position at Chalmers on neuro-symbolic AI for Mathematical Discovery with Assoc. Prof Moa Johansson as main supervisor and Prof. Thierry Coquand as co-supervisor.

The deadline is May 31st.