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🔥 Любимая партия Шиманова

Недавно Александр Шиманов играл в турнире Aeroflot Open 2024 — крупном фестивале в Москве с участием многих сильных гроссмейстеров. В призы Сан Саныч не попал, зато вживую увидел партию, которая вошла в его личный топ-10 "лучших партий всех времен и народов", и решил поделиться увлекательным поединком со зрителями нашего канала.

Бескомпромиссная схватка Бориса Савченко и Джавохира Синдарова — в рубрике "Мои любимые партии"!

Forwarded from Lacan's Whore House (Stiefelchen Jäger)
Последнее время работаю только под арво пярта и группу кис-кис, пярта скидывать не буду ведь все культурные люди и так знают, а у вторых последний ип очень заводной, рекомендую

Подаю заявку немедленно

>This […] fellowship encourages early-career researchers to pursue full-time academic research into fundamental […] problems in diamond design and evaluation

>Applicants are not required to have previous experience with diamonds or gemstones, but an appreciation of visual aesthetics is a plus

>Fellows are expected to work with the diamond-cut research team

>Creative applications of higher mathematics to the world of diamonds are encouraged!

Гутен абенд
>During the act, <..> men dressed as the Devil (known as the Colacho) in red and yellow suits jump over babies born during the previous twelve months who lie on mattresses in the street. The "devils" hold whips and oversized castanets as they jump over the infant children.

>The origins of the tradition are unknown, but it is said to cleanse the babies of original sin, ensuring them safe passage through life and guarding against illness and evil spirits.

The cruelest month &c &c
Про симметрик юнионы без полинома джонса и гомологий хованова интересного почти ничего не доказали, а мы доказали

Forwarded from on product (Nikita Pakutin)
> I’ve spent over 1,000 hours playing the video game DOTA 2, but I remember almost zero of that time. (...) I once went to a DOTA 2 International tournament with a friend, though, and [significant] parts, [like waiting in line], were unfun. (...) [Yet] there’s something more fun about complex fun, even if the individual moments might score lower.

> Life and fitness used to be deeply intertwined. (...) Now they are separate: fitness is a cute thing rich people do in their Lululemon after work. (...) Biking was something you did outside, often with friends. (...) Then the exercise element was captured in stationary bikes, placed in a gym. (...) Then we got Peloton. (...) The richness of biking is gone.

> Atomization encourages us to reduce multivariate experiences, often the most important parts of life, to their single most obvious element. (...) If you looked at an Italian neighborhood dinner and said “wow what a waste, don’t they know they could just drink a Huel and get back to work?” then, well, oof.

> We separate “I’m working” and “I’m playing.” We want to make everything extremely efficient. (...) Could you make your workout less perfectly optimized so you can do it with friends? Can you loosen the reigns on your Super Duper Productive Routine to hang at a coffee shop with friends for a few hours a week? And for the love of God, can you please stop drinking fucking Huel or Soylent at your desk and talk to someone instead? (…) De-atomization is the secret to happiness.

https://blog.nateliason.com/p/de-atomization-is-the-secret-to-happiness 🤝
>somebody DID write a paper on the applications of <..> category theory to the theology of the Christian Holy Trinity, and it implies that the automorphism group of God is 𝔖₃ (whereas that of each one of God's hypostases is trivial)